Reiki Classes
Reiki is easy to learn, with the techniques and ability to do Reiki passed on to the student during an Placement or Ignitions given by a Reiki master. This attunement or placement of Reiki energy allows the student connect with an unlimited supply of “life force energy."
Reiki training It is available to everyone and is not dependent upon levels of intelligence or spiritual development. It has been successfully taught around the world to people of all ages, cultures, and religious backgrounds.
Classes are offered individually or in groups either in-person or on zoom.
Usui Reiki is a complimentary Japanese energy healing modality developed by Dr Mikao Usui, that promotes stress reduction, pain reduction, relaxation, and wellness mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, by infusing the recipient with Ki or Life Force Energy. It is often used to support balance and harmony during times of change or illness. Translated from the Japanese, it is interpreted to mean “Life Force of the Spirit”
Reiki practitioners are able to access this life force energy through a series of Placements or Ignitions. This method of transferring life force energy from practitioner to recipient affects the subtle energy bodies so that there is balance, healing, and harmony between body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Reiki dissolves blockages held in the body so that energy can flow smoothly. These blockages typically occur over time because of reactions to past events, habitual negative thinking, or cultural programming or unresolved emotions.
The Holy Fire Reiki © (a system of Reiki developed by William Rand) is a gentle, but powerful system of Reiki, creating wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. This beautiful, refined energy comes to us from a higher level of consciousness, revealing the belief patterns that block us from expressing our authentic self, our dormant or repressed emotions, and our shadow self.
Holy Fire Karuna Reiki © is an advanced system of Reiki developed by William Rand. This system opens us to the healing of compassionate wisdom and uses the eight symbols of this healing modality to heal traumatic issues embedded in our cells, ground our energies to the earth, manifest our goals and experience the deep peace of Divine compassion.

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki © Classes
Level I
Level 1 is the foundation of Reiki healing through the process of self-treatment. This class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and guided practice. Information and techniques at this level include:
The evolution of Reiki
Understanding and using the Reiki Ideals in daily life
Gassho Meditation
Reiji-ho-developing your intuition
Byosen Scanning-detecting where Reiki is needed
Kenyoku-clearing one’s energy field
Ghoshi ho-sending Reiki with the eyes
The complete hand system for self treatment
How to empower goals with Reiki
How to heal unwanted habits
Hyashi healing guide
A 177 page Reiki Manual "Reiki The Healing Touch" by William Rand
Participants who successfully complete this class will receive a Level 1 Certificate of Completion.
Level II
Level II builds upon the foundation of self-treatment and expands Reiki healing abilities to include treatment of others using symbols and distance healing. This class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and guided practice. Information and techniques presented at this level include:
Placement of Reiki Level II energy
Elements of a Reiki session
Review of hand positions for treating others
Continued practice using Reiji-ho and Byosen Scanning for treating others
Introduction to Usui Reiki symbols and how to use them
Guided practice using hand position for treating others and distance healing
Guided practice sending Reiki backward and forward in time
Guided practice using group distance healing
How to Use Reiki symbols for healing unwanted habits
Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho-releasing negative energy from objects
Beaming Reiki
Guided Practice using Reiki symbols to empower goals
Participants who successfully complete this class will receive a Level II Certificate of Completion and will be qualified to practice Reiki.
Usui/Holy Fire III © ART/Master Classes
The Advanced Reiki Training is combined with the complete Usui/Holy Fire © Master training. To qualify for this class a student must have taken Reiki I & II and practiced Reiki II for at least 6 months. This advanced level requires a lifelong commitment to Reiki and ongoing development.
During the process of learning the healing techniques, placements, and ignitions, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences.
Information and techniques presented at this level include:
Advanced Reiki Training
The Usui/Holy Fire © Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy
The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing
Guided practice using the Usui master symbol for treatments
How to work with crystals and make a crystal grid for ongoing Reiki treatment for self and or others
Reiki aura clearing
Holy Love Healing Experience in which Divine Love is placed in your heart
Reiki III/Master Classes
Other information and techniques presented at this level include:
The Heavenly Banquet Hall Experience
Exploring the concepts of the Twelve Heavens, Culturally Created Self, the Authentic Self, The Dormant Self, and the Ego and healing at these levels
The Pre-ignition and the Healing Fire ignition
Reiki III Usui/Holy Fire© Master ignitions
Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I & II, ART and the pre-ignitions for the Reiki Master and the Healing Fire ignitions
The Usui/Holy Fire© Healing attunements that can be given to anyone and direct the powerful attunement energies to heal.
The Usui/Holy Fire ©system of attunements and ignitions
Introduction to the Holy Fire© master symbol and how it is used
How to give attunements and ignitions to self
Discussion around the values and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master
How to teach in-person classes and develop a Reiki practice
A 186 page class manual, “Usui Holy Fire III Reiki © Master Manual “ by William Lee Ran
Participants who successfully complete this training will receive a a ART/Holy Fire © Master certificate be qualified to pass on the ability to do Reiki for self treatment and treating others others as well as teach Reiki , or facilitate group guided healing experiences. However, many people take this class for their own use or to use with family and friends. This class is a deeply healing learning experience.
Holy Fire III© Karuna© Reiki Master Classes
This class is open only to people who have been a Reiki master for six months or more. It is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master class. Those that take this class will be able to use the symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach all levels of Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®. It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one Holy Fire master symbol, three ignitions and two mediations that are guided directly by the Holy Fire®.
Those who have participated in this class have found it to be effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The addition of the Holy Fire® energy in early 2014 has taken it into a higher level of consciousness. Feelings of love, joy and peace are experienced along with a much deeper level of healing. The Holy Fire® Karuna© energy provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.
Instruction and techniques include:
Both levels of Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® and three ignitions
Origin and definition of Karuna Reiki
Karuna Reiki spiritual guidance
Exploring the concepts of the Shadow Self, Culturally Programmed Self, Authentic Self, and Dormant Self
Karuna Reiki symbols and how to activate them
How to give a Karuna Reiki Session
Karuna Reiki Master Level attunement
Guided practice using Karuna Reiki symbols
Holy Fire Master Symbol
Guided Practice chanting and toning
Using crystals in a reiki session
Participants will be able to teach all four levels of Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels and two master levels after taking this class. Those who have already taken ART/Master or Karuna Reiki® will be able to teach all levels of Holy Fire® Reiki including I&II, ART/Master and Karuna Reiki®.
A certificate and a 125 page manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process, along with a one year subscription to Reiki News Magazine.